"Tote" is an unexpected encounter between an old man who goes blind and his granddaughter who does not remember her childhood well. While the grandfather weaves a traditional hat, the threads of the family history unwind. Between two silences, it opens the possibility of understanding the meaning of "love" in tzotzil.
XVII Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia (Michoacán, Mexico)
XII Festival Zanate (Colima, Mexico)
XV Ambulante cine documental itinerante (Mexico)
XXXIII Virginia Film Festival (Virginia, USA)
XVI Muestra Internacional de Mujeres en el Cine y la Televisión (Mexico)
Muestra de Cineastas Indígenas Mexicanas (Mexico)
VI Festival Internacional de Cine de Mérida y Yucatán (Mexico)
VI Mother Tongue Film Festival (USA)
III Periférica - Mostra de Cinema de Camaragibe (Brazil)
XXI Muestra de Antropología Audiovisual de Valdivia, MUDAV (Chile)